The Vision
To meet the fundamental needs of shelter and safety through providing houses, turning them into homes with ongoing support services and community connections for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
How do we achieve this?
To raise funds through the ‘Lone Ride for The Homeless’ campaign, buy the first house and provide ongoing support from the Avalon Centre to turn it into a home.
The Goal
The Lone Ride for the Homeless campaign, through the Avalon Centre, aims to raise $1,000,000 to provide long term accommodation and support. This will be the first of the ‘Avalon Homes for the Homeless’.
Where did the idea originate?
Avalon’s awareness of the lack of available housing became apparent through their involvement with the homeless. This led to research into models of accommodation that have worked overseas. The ‘Housing First’ model was first developed in Finland as a response to chronic homelessness. Most homelessness policies work on the premise that the homeless have to sort their problems out first before they can get get access to permanent accommodation, often requiring them to transition through short term accommodation and skills assessments. This approach, although it seems logical, does not seem to work. Finland took the opposite approach. They provide a home first and then address the often complex needs of the people. Since 2008, when homeless policies were based on the Housing First approach, Finland has been the only country in Europe where homelessness has actually decreased. There are now almost no rough sleepers in Finland. Providing the security of a home first and then providing support, is what gives people the courage and strength to tackle the problems which led to their homelessness in the first place.
We are inspired by the simplicity of Housing First. A model that provides a home first, and then helps people get back on their feet. Readjusting to a life under a roof with responsibilities. This is the model Avalon intends to replicate providing ongoing support, including building the social and practical skills needed to help people turn their lives around. The support does not stop at just providing a home, it is so much more.
What is special about this ride?
Avalon Volunteer, Tim Taylor, is travelling solo… alone…. unaccompanied. There will be no support team by his side for the long ride lasting almost 5 months. He will experience loneliness, sleeping rough, hunger and thirst, lack of family comforts all of which the homeless experience on a daily basis for long periods. This is one volunteer’s solo journey on a quest to help the homeless.
When does it begin?
Tim will begin his arduous and challenging journey on Saturday 28th April from the Avalon Centre at 10am. We welcome everyone who wishes to attend the launch and send Tim off as he embarks on this solo quest.
Where to from here?
This is the first step towards an ongoing programme, the foundation point to Avalon Homes for the Homeless. We want to show that the model of Housing First, with the support of dedicated volunteers of Avalon, can be successful in reducing the number of homeless on the streets.
We hope others will be inspired by what we do and join our quest to be part of something that will change people’s lives significantly.
We need your help!
April 2020