Our History
How it began
The Avalon Centre opened in 1987 at North Caulfield, and was established originally as a “Centre of Creativity and Natural Healing”.
Practitioners based at the Centre held a variety of workshops and events, providing a broad range of services and opportunities to an even broader class of participants.
One program initially offered called ‘Creative Ability Disability’, provided creative opportunities and integration for people who have a disability or who are disadvantaged in some way. The program proved so successful that it became the main focus of Avalon when it relocated to its new home in East Malvern. Programs were set up to provide opportunities for creative expression, interaction, and support. The Drop-In facility, also originally established in the North Caulfield Centre, continues to be a vital part of the Centre in East Malvern today.

Avalon needed to expand and reach out! For many years Avalon had focused its activities at the Centre. Whilst this had provided an important source of support for all those who visited, it became apparent that it was time for Avalon to move out into the community; to assist those whose needs were not being met.
In 2008, a new 12 seater bus was purchased giving the opportunity to reach out to the community and access those in need. For many years Avalon had focused its activities at the Centre. Whilst this had provided an important source of support for all those who visited, it became apparent that it was time for Avalon to move out into the community.
Avalon also obtained its DGR (Deductibility Grant recipients), enabling people to make tax deductible donations.