Adrian can be found most days a week at the St. Mary’s House of Welcome on Brunswick street, as he enjoys helping those who are less fortunate than himself, without a place to call their own. He is happy that he lives so close, as it means he can arrive early and stay late, though he does lament that living on your own can be quite lonely. He is considering getting a bird or a fish, as it has been some time after his last pet passed away. He has lived with others in the past, but after issues with several tenants that culminated in Adrian changing the locks, he no longer really feels comfortable with it.
Adrian’s biggest concern when asked about life on the street is how it affects women and children, it being that much harder to keep your clothes, food, and money with you in a world like that. He has seen firsthand when thieves try and find someone who’s sleeping and helping themselves. Remembering his youth, Adrian would sometimes sleep in a clothing donation bin, while his mother would keep watch outside, so he is well aware of how rough it can get.